July 19, 2024
Today, the ole Bush Pig got the nod. I rode about 60 miles, nearly all of it on unpaved roads. On ADV Rider, I learned that there is a Dual Sport route called the Flatlander. It's a 520 mile loop that basically covers the entire State of New Hampshire. As luck would have it, I can pick it up about 5 miles from our ABB.
This is Sandwich Notch Road. It was one of the original roads cut through this area and it runs basically right through my backyard.
I freaking LOVE this road. It's mostly fully shaded. Good traction. Lots of short ups and downs. All water crossings have a bridge. I mean - PERFECT Dual Sport road for me.
I stopped mid morning for a short walk to Beede Falls. Not much water flowing this morning, but it was nice and quiet.
All of the trails I've found in New Hampshire are very well maintained. It's nice to go to a place that values recreation in nature.
This place is beautiful and once again, I've got it basically all to myself.
I pop out of the woods and follow the GPX track a short distance on Hwy 113A. I rode past this barn yesterday on the FJR and couldn't resist stopping to take a photograph. I love the way the barns weather here.
Very soon, it was back off the pavement and into the woods. This is the Durgin Bridge. It's over 200 years old and it is magnificent.
Since it's lunchtime, I might as well eat here on the Swift River.
This area of the State is called the Sandwich region. There are 3 villages in the area: North Sandwich, Center Sandwich, and South Sandwich. Apparently, all were named after the Earl of Sandwich, but ironically at lunchtime, I'll be dammed if I could find a sandwich! Good thing I brought my own
PB&J to the rescue!
That clear water is quite nice.
I packed up and geared up and continued on the Flatlander route. I'm seeing all kinds of side roads and areas on the GPS to explore for future adventures, but today, I think I'll let someone else choose the way
This evening, there's live music in the Town Square, so I told my wife I wouldn't be late. About 1:00, I turned around back toward North Sandwich. Earlier, I saw something that caught my eye.
I walked into the store, picked out my ice cream, and waited a few minutes. When no one appeared, I went to the porch and asked some other riders if they knew where the clerk was. They informed me that the entire store is on the honor system. There's a QR code to pay by card or Venmo, and a box to insert cash. Absolutely unbelievable. Back home, this wouldn't last a week.
After Ice Cream, I took a 10 minute power nap on top of a picnic table. It was quite pleasant lying there in the breeze. Then I backtracked to Sandwich Notch road heading for home. I stopped one time to take this view in.
A scruffy gentleman sitting on the porch of a house behind that picture approached me and asked if I needed help. I told him that I couldn't want for anything in the world right now. I told him that I was well aware that he knows how beautiful his home is, and that now, I know it too. We chatted like two old retired farts with nothing better to do.
From there, it was a short 10 minutes back to the ABB. Later that evening, my wife and I walked to the Square to enjoy the music. The pizza place is good, and they have 15-20 choices of local beer. I shall enjoy trying each one over the next few months.
I can't believe this is my life.
Stay thirsty, my friends....